Department of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery.
Airlangga University / Dr.Soetomo Hospital
Back ground
The Surabaya’s Hearing and Communication Center (HCC) is one of the public hearing center, located at Dr. Soetomo General Hospital where responsible for the people from eastern part of Indonesia. The activities begun in 1975, supported by the grant from NUFFIC (Netherland University Foundation for International Project Cooperation). The project set up equipment (audiometers), 3 booth rooms and provided expert/technical guides. The infrastructure/building and manpower provided by Dr. Soetomo hospital and Airlangga University.
Hearing services has been improved especially overcoming hearing problem in children with cooperation of Rotary East Java Hearing Project. Installation more equipments of hearing testing as diagnostic tools and providing more hearing aids for rehabilitation have been possible through matching grant of Rotary Western Australia with Surabaya. HCC was officially opened at July 15th, 2002. Sharing Cost cooperation work with some provider of hearing services have been done also to support the management of impaired patients.
.Professor JI Suzuki from Hearing International Japan gave the instrument for otologic surgery and ear microscope in 2002-2003. This donation was benefit for the treatment of Otitis Media, the most common disease among Indonesian people.
Developing efforts for better services in management for the hearing loss and deaf provided more option and hope. Since high technology procedure such Cochlear Implant was introduced in the world, there is a need to start this operation.
Sound Hearing 2030 was applied, early detection and intervention program was held for prevetion on deaf mute and dealyed speech among children. With the recent development in Cochlear Implant surgery that has been started during 1998, more than 10 childrens have been operated and running for habilitation program.
All over those program were providing many kinds of activities including, Early Detection and Intervention of Hearing Impaired or Deafness, Vestibular dissorders management which often accompany hearing problem), Audiotory Verbal / Speech Therapy, Prevention for Noise Induced Hearing Loss, Otitis Media Prevention and Treatment, training for Audiometrician, supporting Deaf children in School, doing some researches and delivering Public Services, hold on Seminar –Workshop and some others.
Out reach services program in community is running through and organized by Hearing and Communication Center in Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya and Ear Nose and Throat – Community Division, working with other supporting governmental or non governmental organization. This center has an important role in managing the hearing problem especially for eastern part of Indonesia.
Main activities :
- better hearing services, including hospital based program and out reach services program
- provide training, short course and education in implementing of hearing screening, hearing management
- conducting researches in prevention of hearing impairment / deaf.
- Raising public awereness, delivering information services for public ( through electronic media or news paper )
- Coordination within multidisciplinary unit working group in Dr. Soetomo Hospital – Airlangga University.
- Partnership and joint with community support groups / foundations or institutions related with the effort of Global Hearing Health Program such as ‘ Better hearing for All 2030’.
Letter of Appointment No. 188.4 / 4453 / 501 /2010 :
Committee of Hearing and Communication Center
Patron : 1. Prof.Dr.Muhammad Amin, dr.,Sp.P(K)
Dean of School of Medicine Airlangga University
2. Dr.Slamet Riyadi Yuwono, dr., DTM&H.,MARS
Director of Dr.Soetomo General Hospital
Advisor : 1. Prof.Dr.Kuntaman,dr.,MS.,Sp.MK
1st vice of Dean
2. Choesnan Effendi, dr.,AIF
2nd vice of Dean
3. Prof.Dr.Soetojo, dr., Sp.U
3rd vice of Dean
4. Prof.Dr.Widodo Ario Kentjono,dr.,Sp.THT-KL(K)
Chairman of ENT-Head & Neck Surgery Department
5. Prof.Dr.M.S.Wiyadi,dr.,Sp.THT-KL(K)
Chairman of Neurotology Division ENT HNS Department
Chair person : Dr.Nyilo Purnami,dr. Sp.THT-KL(K)
Vice : Artono, dr. Sp.THT-KL
Secretary : Budi Sutikno, dr. Sp.THT-KL
Treasurer : Haris Mayagung Ekorini, dr. Sp.THT-KL(K)
Members : 1. Prof. Sri Harmadji, dr. Sp.THT-KL(K)
2. Soeprijadi, dr. Sp.THT-KL(K)
3. Bakti Surarso, dr. Sp.THT-KL(K)
4. Muhtarum Yusuf, dr. Sp.THT-KL(K)
5. Titiek Hidayati Ahadiah, dr. Sp.THT-KL(K)
6. Dwi Reno Pawarti, dr. Sp.THT-KL(K)
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