Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

Framework for a need assessments in East Java

Framework for a needs assessment for the provision of audiology services
to children in East Java.

·         What current ENT, Audiology and Speech Therapy services are available in Surabaya/East Java?
·         Where are they located?
·         Who provides the service?
·         What type of training do the professional staff have?
·         What education facilities are there for deaf and hearing-impaired children before they start school?
·         What training do teachers of the deaf have?

·         What is the prevalence of permanent hearing loss in children in East Java/Java/Indonesia?
·         What are the major causes of hearing loss in these children?
·         What immunization programs are currently available, and is this available across the whole paediatric population?
·         What proportion of deaf/hearing-impaired children have hearing aids or cochlear implants?
·         What is the age at which most children are first fitted with hearing aids?
·         What proportion of deaf/hearing-impaired children use sign language. What sign language do they use?
·         What is the cost of hearing aids and batteries?
·         Where do infants/children go for the fitting of hearing aids? Which professionals do they see, and how often are they seen?


3.1 Newborn hearing screening
·         Where would the testing be performed? (Are most children born at home? Do most children attend an infant clinic for health monitoring/immunization?
·         Who would perform the hearing screening  testing?
·         What training would these staff need?
·         What equipment would be needed?
·         Where would children go if they have failed the screening test?
·         Who/where would full diagnostic audiology services be provided?
·         What training/equipment would be needed?
·         What would this cost?
·         What are the timelines for implementation?

3.2 Early (infant and pre-school) intervention services
·         Where would children/parents go for support services once a child has been diagnosed with a permanent hearing loss?
·         Could early intervention centres be link to current deaf schools?
·         Would teachers/speech therapists need additional training for providing educational support to pre-school aged children (e.g. auditory-verbal training, sign language training?)
·         What training/equipment would be needed?
·         What would this cost?
·         What are the timelines for implementation?

3.3 Hearing aids for children from diagnosis
·         What would be needed to start a government program that provides hearing aids/batteries to children diagnosed with hearing loss
·         Could a program be developed where government is able to purchase large numbers of hearing aids/batteries for children (at reduced cost through tenders)?
·         Could hearing aids/batteries be at least partially subsidized by government with contributions from parents?
·         Where would these services best be delivered? Hearing Centres connected with schools for deaf children, hospitals or independent hearing clinics?
·         Who would provide these audiology services and what training would be required?
·         What costs would be involved?
·         What are the implementation timeframes?

4. Government Offices and other Institutions with whom we need to talk to.
     Visits to at least the following places would be very helpful:

·         Dr Soetomo Hospital (ENT, Audiology, Speech Therapy)
·         University departments providing training in ENT, Audiology, Speech Therapy and Teaching (of deaf children), Unesa (universitas Negeri Surabaya)
·         Family centres and/or early childhood clinics for assessment and immunisations
·         Hearing aid clinics /dispensaries in Surabaya and East Java – Training
·         Cochlear Implant Centre

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