Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

The Mayor of Surabaya paid attention to Deaf community

Senin, 28 Pebruari 2011


The Mayor of Surabaya, IR. Tri Rismaharini MT, claimed that to this day there is still discrimination against disabled persons in need of special or the disabled, especially the deaf person. Whereas,as all human beings were born equal. That is, there is no difference from each other.
It delivered by Risma – call of familiar Walikota Surabaya Tri Rismaharini – in the event of a Regional Meeting, with a deaf person and extension Movement theme the well-being of Indonesia, a deaf person on the implementation, took place in the Hall of the Youth Service Building and Azwan sports (Dispora) of East Java, Surabaya Kayoon Road, Saturday (26/2/2011) in the afternoon. Show Appointment and extension of this Regional deaf person initiated by the Union of the deaf person Indonesia (Perturi) in collaboration with the online media

"Indeed there has been discrimination for people in need. In fact, they were also the children of the nation. They also need to get their rights as citizens, "stated Risma.

Therefore, Risma stated that he is concerned with the fate of the deaf person. "I am willing to tour coordination for people with deaf person. And keep in mind, while I was in Bappeko (City Development Planning Agency) in Surabaya, I really puts every child of the nation, particularly for people with disabilities such as the deaf person, she added.

After delivering his speech, the mayor said that in Surabaya earned souvenirs from Perturi that are submitted directly by the Chairman of the Perturi, Mirza Ary Andriyanto. She was so proud with about 200 members of the Perturi are present in the show, willing the photo with Risma said with them. In fact, a person who requests a photo Risma and set the position of a photo with them. Carried the Latin occasion, members Perturi ask for a photo with a direct scramble.
CREATE MEMORIES. Mayor Tri Rismaharini (Center) pose with members of the Perturi women. (photo: good)

In addition to the Mayor of Surabaya, the event also seems present speaker Dr. Purnami, Nyilo- ENT Sp. (ENT Diof Community Health Science, ear, nose and throat head and neck Surgery. Airlangga University, dr Soetomo Hospital.); Andreas W Yanuardi (Researcher Community Strategy & Development, PT Telkom Regional Division Of Bandung); Marine Colonel (P) Poedjo Choento Wibowo SE, MAP (Expert Staff Pangarmatim); AKP Said (Head Of The Sub Sections Of Public Relations Polrestabes Surabaya); representatives from the sugar factory Of Write Sidoarjo, and a number of funding
In that occasion,  Dr. Purnami,Nyilo-ENT Sp. about the intricacies of hearing Loss, convey auditory diseases until the deaf. Continued with the speaker Andreas W Yanuardi, which exposes about the Program I-Chat (I Can Hear And Talk) that was conceived in a concern with PT Telkom with a deaf person.
Meanwhile, Soegiri Day tutor (Head Office of manpower and transmigration of East Java) can not attend because there was a sudden assignment to Borneo. (Syamsuddin)

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